

Page history last edited by Kathy Wicksteed 10 years, 3 months ago




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Décrivez la pyramide des ages des pays differents.docx      

Le Camp du Drap d'Or

Field of Cloth of Gold ppt

On fait la fête!.ppt

On y va!.ppt





3 ppts following the meeting of the English and French Kings at the Field of the Cloth of Gold. Can be used to enhance the study of the Tudor period. IMPORTANT: copyright permission sought but no amswer given for the photocopied pictures. Please use discreetly.

1066 The Norman Conquest


lesson plans and resources to teach the Norman conquest, the arrival of the Normans, the construction of castles - where, why.  Links in with Year 7 History and French
Castles lessons 1+2.notebook    SMART presentation 
map   geography style map to indicate possible locations of a castle
sketch/play   a play to examine why a castle would have been built
1066 setting scene KS3 ppt to set the scene / problems of succession (Saddleworth School)
The Situation in England in 1066.notebook  KS3 

The Death of King Edward in 1066 and the problem that ensued (Notebook document), Gillotts School

The three candidates for King.notebook KS3 The relative merits of the three candidates to become King in 1066 (Notebook document), Gillotts School
The Norwegian invasion of England.notebook  KS3 The Norwegian Invasion of England and the Battle of Stamford Bridge (Notebook document), Gillotts School  
The Battle of Hastings.notebook  KS3 The Battle of Hastings (Notebook document), Gillotts School  
Why William Won.notebook  KS3 Why William Won the Battle of Hastings (Notebook document), Gillotts School  
L'arrivee des Normands KS3 Gap fill worksheet about 3 main contenders (Saddleworth School)
Ma petite histoire de 1066 KS3 "Diary" for pupils to record key points, with gap fills. (Saddleworth School)
Stamford Bridge KS3 PPT to show the battle and events leading to Hastings (Saddleworth School)
Map Stamford / Hastings KS3 Map to show where Harold's army had to go for the two battles (Saddleworth School)
Why William won KS3 WS with columns and statements for pupils to cut out and place correctly. (Saddleworth School)
LE CHATEAU   A unit of work about medieval castles, with thanks to Liz Hodgkiss
Les Châteaux au Moyen Age.ppt (777KB) KS3 Castles.ppt (5.7MB)
Activités châteaux moyen age.doc    Activity 2 Les châteaux mediévaux.doc
Faites correspondre les mots et leurs définitions.doc    Profil de Guillaume duc de Normandie.doc 
Prepare a speaking guide for visually handicapped visitors to Guedelon.doc    See also the 3 fiches pedagogiques from http://www.guedelon.fr/en/downloads_09.html
LES CHATEAUX NORMANDS  KS3  Unit of work about castles / William, by Karen Hutley 
Types of castles   Diagrams (labelled) of main castle types (Saddleworth School)
What is a castle?   PPT to look at why Normans built castles. For the full unedited vid clip please see http://youtube.com/user/GeoffLove73#p/a/u/2/jW6rk-J-yjk Slide transition is 10 secs so be patient! (Saddleworth School)
Pros and cons...   Gap fill about pros and cons of a Motte and Bailey castle (Saddleworth School)
Keep   Two sheets, one labelled and the other not! (Saddleworth School)
Chateaux   Multiple choice worksheet about life in a castle (Saddleworth School)
Attacking a castle   Worksheet for pupils to label (Saddleworth School)
Attacking a castle   PPT to accompany the above! Introduces key weapons. ( Saddleworth School)
French Revolution Powerpoints - causes KS3  La Révolution française (les causes).ppt
French Revolution causes - easier version KS3  La Révolution française (les causes) - easier version.ppt
French Revolution - the start KS3  La Révolution française (le début).ppt
French Revolution - consolidation KS3  La Révolution française - la consolidation.ppt
French Revolution - war and terror KS3  La Révolution française - la guerre et la terreur.ppt
French Revolution - terror KS3  La Révolution française - la terreur.ppt
French Revolution - les dix pourquois KS3  LES DIX POURQUOIS.ppt
French Revolution - SOW 17 lessons KS3-4 La révolution française SOW NNeighbour.pdf  
French Revolution - vocabulary KS3-4 La révolution française vocabulaire.docx  
French Revolution - Lesson 1 KS3-4 Lesson 1 - match up pictures with cards high ability.docLesson 1 - match up pictures with cards low ability.doc , lesson 1 - card match up answers.ppt , Lesson 1 - describe pictures homework.doc
French Revolution - Lesson 2 KS3-4 Lesson 2 - le Tiers-Etat.doclesson 2 - Le Tiers-Etat.ppt
French Revolution - Lesson 3 KS3-4 Lesson 3 - la noblesse et le clergé low ability.docLesson 3 - la noblesse et le clergé.doc
French Revolution - Lesson 4 KS3-4 Lesson 4 - adjectives table.docLesson 4 - Exercice d'écoute.docx
French Revolution - Lesson 5 KS3-4 Lesson 5 - money money money.doclesson 5 ppt - money money money.ppt
French Revolution - Lesson 6 KS3-4 Lesson 6 - il faut trouver une solution.docLesson 6 ppt - Il faut trouver une solution.ppt
French Revolution - Lesson 7 KS3-4 Lesson 7 - listening activity Le Serment du Jeu de Paume.docLesson 7 - pourquoi la révolution 1.doc , Lesson 7 ppt - pourquoi la révolution 1.ppt
French Revolution - Lesson 8 KS3-4 Lesson 8 - pourquoi la révolution 2 article to complete.docLesson 8 - pourquoi la révolution 2 past tense.doc , Lesson 8 ppt - pourquoi la révolution 2.ppt
French Revolution - Lesson 9-10 KS3-4 Lesson 9-10 Les philosophes.pptLesson 9-10- pourquoi la révolution 3 les Lumières.doc
French Revolution - Lesson 11 KS3-4 Lesson 11 - la prise de la Bastille high ability.docLesson 11 - la prise de la Bastille low ability help sheet.doc , Lesson 11 ppt - la Bastille.ppt
French Revolution - Lesson 12 KS3-4 Lesson 12 - la marche sur Versailles high ability.docLesson 12 - la marche sur Versailles low ability.doc
French Revolution - Lesson 13 KS3-4 Lesson 13 - la déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen.doc  
French Revolution - Lesson 14 KS3-4 Lesson 14 - le blues du roi.doc  
French Revolution - Lesson 15 KS3-4 Lesson 15 - la guerre d'Autriche.docLesson 15 - la marseillaise.doc , Lesson 15 ppt - la guerre.ppt
French Revolution - Lesson 16 KS3-4 Lesson 16 ppt - le procès de Louis.ppt  
French Revolution - Lesson 17 KS3-4 Lesson 17 - film project.docLesson 17 ppt - film project.ppt
Napoléon Bonaparte KS3  Napoléon Bonaparte.ppt
La première guerre mondiale    
La Grande Guerre - les causes KS3-4  La Grande Guerre - les causes.ppt
Le Début de la Grande Guerre KS3-4  Le Début de la Grande Guerre.ppt
La Guerre des tranchées KS3-4  La guerre des tranchées.ppt
L'Europe - un champ de bataille KS3-4  L'Europe - un champ de bataille.ppt
La fin de la guerre KS3-4  La fin de la Guerre.ppt
Le traité de Versailles KS3-4  Le Traité de Versailles.ppt
La seconde guerre mondiale    
Trois dictateurs KS3-4  Trois Dictateurs.ppt
Hitler - la montée au pouvoir KS3-4  Hitler - la montée au pouvoir.ppt
Hitler - au pouvoir KS3-4  Hitler - au pouvoir.ppt
La seconde guerre mondiale - l'importance du Jour J KS3-4  La seconde guerre.ppt
La France pendant la deuxime guerre - l'occupation KS4  La France pendant la deuxième guerre - l'occupation.ppt
Le Rwanda    
Le Génocide au Rwanda (1) KS4-5  Génocide au Rwanda (1).ppt
Le Génocide au Rwanda (2) KS4-5  Génocide au Rwanda (2).ppt
Le Génocide au Rwanda (3) KS4-5  Génocide au Rwanda (3).ppt 
La Révolution Française KS3  La révolution française ELLIOTT SCHOOL.ppt


History and Spanish

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History and German

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Hitler - an der Macht KS4  PPT - Hitler coming to power 
Hitler - AN DER MACHT1.ppt   KS4
Updated version (proofread)


History and other languages

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