
CLIL4teachers Front Page

Page history last edited by Kathy Wicksteed 8 years, 4 months ago

PLEASE NOTE:  You can download resources from the wiki without requesting access. Please request access (see link on the right) if you would like to leave comments or upload your own materials. To be given access, you need to include a short message to explain your interest in CLIL.  Thank you.


Welcome to CLIL4teachers, the resources wiki for teachers interested in

Content and Language Integrated Learning


CLIL4teachers is part of the Association for Language Learning's FLAME initiative which aims to provide support for cross-curricular language learning and to raise awareness of its benefits. More information about FLAME and for CLIL is available at the FLAME PLUS website: www.flameplus.net  


This CLIL4teachers wiki enables teachers to share and find learning resources.  PLEASE upload any learning materials you have used to teach subjects and topics through target language, or you can email materials to flame@all-languages.org.uk and we will upload them for you. We welcome Powerpoints, documents, photos and audio files. If you have a large presentation or a film we recommend that you upload it to a website such as Slideshare and provide a link to it. You can find a guide to uploading materials here.




This is an exciting two day CLIL conference taking place next year. It welcomes researchers, trainee teachers and teacher educators interested in how cross curricular language learning can increase motivation, confidence and attainment. Topics will include the impact of CLIL and immersion techniques on pupils’ motivation and progress, what the UK can learn from other countries, and practical ideas for increasing cognitive challenge, motivation and engagement in primary and secondary classrooms. Information about booking and submissions for contributions will be available this autumn.


New page for methodology-related items

There is now a new page for ideas and information about CLIL and other cross-curricular approaches to language learning. The materials can include any articles or other documents about advice, examples of good practice, research findings, reports on classroom projects, new ideas or links to content in other websites. Please contribute to it!  The page for resources from CPD events will continue as well.


Our new English Language Page

We have had a lot of interest from teachers in countries other than the UK, so it seems like a good time to create a page for resources that are in English. If you have any, please upload them to the new page! There is information here about how to upload a file. 


Resources from the Primary Languages Conference, November 2013

The Powerpoint and links to online resources from the French CLIL workshop can be downloaded on the Resources from training events page.  The links include a very readable and practical guide to cross-curricular learning that can be downloaded from the University of Barcelona website.


Evaluation of the Spanish Bilingual Education Project

The independent evaluation report of the Bilingual Education Project  was published in English and Spanish by the Ministerio de Educación and the British Council (Spain) in 2010. It can be accessed at http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/sites/teacheng/files/BEP.%20Ingl%C3%A9s%20.pdf . The project involves children aged 3-16 in about 100 state schools in Spain. They spend about 40 per cent of curricular time studying subjects through the medium of English. There is also an online supplement (2011) which provides further data, information about methodology and some discussion of wider issues in bilingual education. It may be accessed at http://www.educacion.gob.es/dctm/ministerio/educacion/profesorado/formacion/2011-online-supplement.pdf?documentId=0901e72b810a3d32 . With thanks to Alan Dobson and the National Association of Language Advisers (www.nala.org.uk) for this information.   


CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning publication

This book by Do Coyle, Philip Hood and David Marsh, published in 2010, is highly recommended if you want to get to grips with the concepts and methodology of CLIL. There is also an excellent web page with information about the publication including an interview, podcast and vodcast featuring the authors. http://www.cambridge.org/gb/elt/teachers/zones/custom/item5633999/Applied-Linguistics-Featured-topic:-CLIL/?site_locale=en_GB




Looking for resources?

Go to the Resource Bank page in the menu on the right. 


Who are we?

This wiki is hosted by the Association for Language Learning with help and support from ALL members who are developing CLIL in their schools or supporting it in other ways. We hope you will enjoy exploring the site, adding comments, contributing to the discussions and sharing resources and useful websites. Don't hesitate to ask questions - hopefully there will be someone who has the answer!  The best place to post questions is on the Discussion page - just write a comment.


Requesting access

To contribute resources, you need to click on the request access button, leaving a short message to let us know what your interest in CLIL is. The wiki owner will then give you writer status. In the unlikely event that a contribution is offensive, it will be removed and the person responsible will no longer be able to contribute to the site.


Membership of ALL

Not yet a member of ALL? Don't miss out on a host of activities and events around the country and the weekly e-newsletter to keep you up to date. Find out more about membership... and have a look at the events...


Please upload your resources!

We are already building up a fantastic range of resources - thank you to all our contributors. The more there are, the more useful the website will be, so please contribute your own resources. If you are not sure how to do that, please leave a message (via the Contact the Owner link at the bottom of the page) and we can then arrange for you to email them instead.


PLEASE NOTE: We now have some brilliant resources which are in Notebook format. If you don't work with Smartboards, you will need to download the free SMART Notebook Express software




LinkedUp: The LinkedUp resource bank includes 25 CLIL projects with downloadable materials.  If you know the name of a project leader, school or the name of a project, you can find it quickly by using the 'Search' tab in the left-hand menu. Or you can use the keyword search facility to bring up a list of all the CLIL-related projects.  There are 112 projects on the site in all.  Kathy


And news from Joel: The EU funded ECLIL project has resources available for schools to use on http://e-clil.uws.ac.uk/ You can also join the Facebook group for news and updates on the project: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Eclil-European-CLIL-Resource-Centre/118905601468468?sk=info 


The Languages Company CLIL Statement and Guidelines which can be downloaded here...


Videos about CLIL: a film of CLIL at Chenderit School can be seen here...  and one from Judgemeadow School here...


Have you seen the EU's CLIL Cascade Network site?  It's at http://www.ccn-clil.eu/.  CCN is a free international resource for all educators involved with CLIL working at different levels of education.and in different languages.  It aims to consolidate local, regional and national network activities in CLIL at a European level so as to accellerate development of teacher competencies and qualifications, localised and regional competence building.


There are now more detailed instructions about how to post a resource on to the wiki. But if you get stuck, help is at hand - just post a comment. The page with instructions can be accessed through the link above or from the Resource Bank.


Slides from a conference at The Willink School can be downloaded from the events page. It was a fantastic event - with many thanks to Katie and colleagues for organising it, and to Liz for posting the speakers' materials on the wiki. Events

Message from Do Coyle


Many of you will know Do Coyle, who has championed the cause of CLIL for many years. We are most grateful to Do for helping us to set up the CLIL Special Interest Group and for sending us this message:


I am delighted that ALL has taken the initiative to set up a SIG for CLIL. With the introduction of the new curriculum and a greater emphasis on creativity then cross- curricular initiatives are certainly being promoted and encouraged. To all of you who have been involved with CLIL or for those who are interested in any way, then it is timely that we must work together to give a collective voice to CLIL in the UK. There are many colleagues in our European and international networks who have been using a CLIL approach in subject teaching, in MFL and in cross-curricular projects with whom we can link and share ideas. CLIL will provide us with a creative and dynamic forum through which to explore making our teaching and learning environments more motivating and engaging not only for the students we teach but also for ourselves. So the time is right for us in the UK to make a significant contribution to the CLIL movement and to ensure that or colleagues throughout the land are aware of its potential. During the last year, I have been in contact with many teachers who are hoping to start to experiment with CLIL modules and those that are building on past experiences. We can now start to bring this altogether… so let’s get going…..




You can download here Do's article about the contribution CLIL can make to our national languages capability.


Take a tour of the site...

What's on?

Have a look at the events page to find out about relevant workshops, meetings and conferences.

Encouragement for CLIL in the English curriculum...

In England there is now lots of encouragement for primary and secondary schools to explore how they can link language learning to other subjects of the curriculum.  There are references in the Languages Review (2007) and in the revised programme of study for languages in the new secondary curriculum.  

Do you have any resources to share?

If so, have a look at our Resource Bank   

Would you value an opportunity to discuss ideas with other teachers?

Please contribute to our Discussion page.  

Do you have news to share?

We now have a News folder. Create a page with your news and post it in the folder, or email it (through the Contact the owner link at the bottom of the page).

Comments (12)

Catherine Roberts said

at 7:31 pm on Oct 14, 2008

I'm a newbie to CLIL but very interested in the prospect of introducing it in our school. Does anyone know of any CLIL schools in the Bath/Bristol area who might accept curious visitors? I'd also love to know:
- Is it more usual to start teaching eg. Geography in a new MFL or one the pupils have experience of?
- Do you use home made resources or buy books from France / Germany etc?
- What would you do differently if you could do it all again?


Katie Lee said

at 6:02 pm on Oct 15, 2008

Hi Catherine. Tile Hill Wood is the only one I know of that's relatively near you in Coventry. They do regular open days throughout the year so do get in contact (all on their website). As far as your second question goes, most schools would go for a language the pupils are already learning, simply because they have a higher starting point of comprehension and that makes planning and resource creation easier. Having said that, depending on what content you're going to cover, you may manage to structure the language carefully enough in a brand new MFL (think about the level of cognitive challenge and linguistic challenge when you're planning). Schools approach resources in different ways. If you can find books in a partner school that match the content you want to cover, you could usefully adapt them (or use them straight off if your learners can access the linguistic level). Probably most often, resources are made from scratch - see the bank on this site. The last question is difficult because we're all on slightly different journeys with CLIL! My personal response: the most important thing is preparing the learners for an immersion approach during language lessons - this way, adding the content is a natural next step.

Kathy Wicksteed said

at 9:14 am on Oct 16, 2008

Hi Catherine, there will be a CLIL strand at ALL's Language World conference in Leicester on 3-4 April 2009, and a number of smaller events in the pipeline which we will post on the wiki, including one that Katie will be running at her school in Berkshire. These will be a good way to get some more information and talk to other people setting up CLIL. Also, have a look at Do's Powerpoint presentation which you can acess from the 'General' resources page.

Kathy Wicksteed said

at 8:25 pm on Nov 23, 2008

Many thanks to Helen and Katie for adding to the wiki!


Cynthia Martin said

at 4:33 pm on Feb 27, 2009

Many thanks to Katie and colleagues at the Willink for a splendid CLIL conference today and to all the speakers and participants.

At the end of the day Kathy mentioned the secondary CLIL workshops at our Language World annual conference in Leicester in April. Primary CLIL enthusiasts please note that there is a primary strand running throughout both days of the conference and on Saturday Pippa Jacobs, from Hagbourne Primary School in Oxfordshire (who was with us at the Willink conference today) is going to share her experiences of a CLIL history and French unit on the Tudors which she did with her class recently.
So primary CLIL is also much alive at Language World on 4 April. We're really grateful to Pippa for being willing to share her expertise and we look forward to seeing you there!

Cynthia Martin

Kathy Wicksteed said

at 8:53 pm on Mar 1, 2009

Thanks for your comment Cynthia. It was great to be with so many CLIL enthusiasts on Friday!


Linda Parker said

at 3:41 pm on Mar 3, 2009

Dear CLIL4teachers participants,

It's great to know that everything went so well at the Willink conference! Unfortunately I wasn't able to be there as had to attend a project meeting in France.

A very special thanks to Katie for all the event organisation and ensuring that everyone had such a successful day.

I'd like to add a word about the Language World conference. We're very keen that the CLIL sessions are well attended and would be very happy to offer any member of this group a discount on their Language World attendance of £50 a day.

This brings the normal daily rate for an ALL member down to under £100. A real bargain compared to similar national conferences with such a wide range and number of conference sessions. If you'd like to get the discount, please drop me an email to info@all-languages.org.uk putting FAO Linda Parker Language World CLIL in the title of the message.

Thanks again to everyone involved - speakers, sponsors, organisers and partiicipants!


veronika.simunkova said

at 2:30 pm on Mar 5, 2010

Hello everybody, I have just joined this workspace from Toulouse in France because I am very interested in CLIL. Actually, I am writing my master degree dissertation on teaching french through CLIL to 6-11 years old pupils. I was wondering if you know some primary schools where this teaching approach is used so I can send them a list of few questions. May be there are CLIL french teacher among you????

Thanks for your help.


Pippa Jacobs said

at 11:01 am on Mar 6, 2010

Hi Veronika,
I am a Primary teacher who teaches a fair bit of CLIL in my French lessons. I teach children from 4 years up to 11 years. I am happy to communicate with you about my work.
Pippa Jacobs, Oxon, England.

veronika.simunkova said

at 9:29 am on Mar 8, 2010

Hello Pippa,

thank you for your answer. Don't you work at Hagbourne Primary school? I think I have read an article about your history classes. I am happy to meet you online. As I mentionned an important part of my dissertation is a questionnary addressed to the CLIL teachers. Their answers should reveal what areas are to improve (for example: creation of a CLIL training program for teachers, creation of school books conform to CLIL etc.) . I sent the questionary to the contact address of your school (office.3249@hagbourne.oxon.sch.uk) friday but I will send you a copy as well on your e-mail.

It would be really nice of you to take a couple of minutes (it is one page) and share your experience and observations from your classes. Also if there are any other teachers at your school or any other school with the same profil as you, please let me know so that I can send them the questionary.

If I can help you in return in any way don't hesitate to contact me. As a CLIL french teacher, may be you could find this project useful: http://www.euro-mania.eu/. Within my dissertation I work with one of the co-authors of this very good CLIL textbook.

If you have any questions about the questionary, please feel free to get in touch.

Kind regards

Veronika Simunkova

Kathleen O'Brien said

at 9:56 am on Aug 19, 2010

Hello everyone,

I've just posted a short article in the news folder about a new Spanish language resource focussing on El Salvador at http://www.cafod.org.uk/secondary/mfl. I'd be interested to hear your reactions when you've looked at the resource. If anyone's willing to let me visit and observe it being used in your school, please let me know via schools@cafod.org.uk

Kathleen O'Brien

diana said

at 4:43 am on Nov 22, 2011

Hello everyone !
I am doing research on the benefits of clil for fostering writing, but not much on that specific skil..what aout a debate? Thnx

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